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AEW Dynamite Review

AEW Dynamite Review with Dakota Mayes 10/16/21

A slight TV schedule change has done little to halt the momentum of AEW. New night, the same incredible wrestling action. Let's take a look at the highlights from the latest episode of AEW Dynamite on the latest review.


Martin looks nervous at the start as Black rushes in to take advantage. Black spends the match going for Martin's knee, which he injures early on. Another attempt to go for the knee is countered, and Martin sends him out for a dive.

He starts to take control and has Black in a corner, but Black is just too prepared. He never gives Martin an inch for the whole bout, but he makes him look like a good underdog, and the crowd loves it. Martin lands badly on his knee, slowing him down further. He also tries to do too many flips, which makes him predictable enough for Black to hit him with a heel kick in midair for the win.

He nods to Martin as a sign of respect after the match. It seems they are playing Martin up as a naive rookie to go with his new partnership with Lio. This is my first time seeing the young star. So far, I like him.


Jericho's music always turns the show into a rock concert. They don't get to say much before American Top Team arrives. The crowd is not interested in letting Lambert talk. I'm not sure if Top Team is good heels or if they are unwanted.

Jericho addresses VanZant, accuses her of being a fan of the Inner Circle, and throws shots at her husband. Jericho is as great as ever on the mic. He calls Top Team out for a 10-man tag match. The crowd is still loud when Lambert tries to respond.

He says the Top Team wants AEW gold and signals out Sammy but won't lay down a challenge until next week because he's sick of the crowd. Sammi must meet their terms if they want the tag match. I wish WWE crowds could be as energetic as AEW's.


Andrade brings out some guys dressed in green outfits and masks in a match for the AAA tag team championships, titles that the Lucha Bros have held for 28 months. The green men are quickly unmasked and revealed to be FTR, not that they were fooling anyone. Fenix lays out both members' diving shock from Penta before throwing them out to catch some dives.

Andrade seems to have set FTR up for nothing more than an ass-kicking as the heels can't grab the momentum until Dax gets Penta on the outside and knocks him out on the timekeeper's table. Cash has one of the belts and hits Rey with it after Tully Blanchard distracts the referee. FTR steals the AAA titles in an entertaining match.

It was revealed afterward that Andrade paid MJF for FTR's services. The salt of the earth spoke to him in a way that might have rubbed him wrong, but I don't imagine anything will come of it.


A video package of Cody and Arn arriving late to their training facility plays. The trainees are unhappy with Cody's attitude and work with him in a grueling training session. They are trying to get his eye back on the ball and hungry for revenge against Malakai Black. Their rematch will be next Saturday on Dynamite.

Hopefully, Cody will come back with enough fire to please the crowd, as he is adamant about staying a babyface. The nod of respect from Black to Dante could indicate that he may be turning face, so perhaps Cody may turn heel? The nod seemed a little out of character for Black, considering he ruthlessly attacked Cody's entire team in the weeks prior.


Page is going to face Kenny at Full Gear for the AEW World Championship. In an in-ring segment, Page reflects on his journey from ROH to AEW and admits that he feels like the vision he and the Elite had together changed him because he's failed in every goal since AEW's inception. He lost everything, as well as himself.

The only thing that kept him going was the fans chanting "cowboy shit." He's learned to leave the past in the past and embrace the future. Page doesn't know if he will win at Full Gear, but if the fans believe in him, he does too and promises to give them everything he has. He may not get the title, but he will give them "cowboy shit."

This was another great episode of Dynamite. The buildup to Full Gear is beginning to feel similar to the buildup towards WrestleMania. There's a lot at stake going in. I believe Page will beat Omega and win the world title. After the journey he's had, it wouldn't make sense for him not to.

Dakota Mayes is our resident wrestling expert at The Pyrrhic. Be sure to keep on top of all the latest in news, previews, and reviews in the world of professional wrestling right here with Dakota at

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