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10/27/21 Dynamite with Dakota Mayes

It's that time of the week again! It's AEW Dynamite and it is back on your TV! And as per usual our in-house wrestling expert has you covered with all the big talking points from this week's episode.


Bobby had control by working Punks knees for the earlier portion, and Punk struggled to get into the game until he hit a tope suicida on the outside. Fish tripped him back up by attacking the knee again. Punk struggled, much like all of Fish’s opponents so far, to get any offense as Fish is just too brutal with his attacks and brought Punk to the point of hobbling. The Chicago native found his second wind, though, and gets him up for a GTS for the win. This was a great competitive match. I’m beginning to wonder who, if anyone, CM Punk will be fighting at Full Gear. I can’t imagine they would not book him for the show, but I would have thought he would have something set up for him by now.


MJF runs down the Boston crowd, attacking their accents, women, and mothers before addressing Darby, saying he’s afraid to return to work. He sets his sights on the AEW world title after Full gear, no matter who has it by then. A video from Darby plays with himself taking out someone in an MJF cutout mask. When the lights come back on, Sting is in the ring and goes on the attack, chasing MJF to a disguised Darby Allin. The heel runs away before he can get attacked, but Wardlow and Spears catch Allin and Stings wrath with Wardlow taking a thumbtack-covered skateboard to the back. Allin and MJF will officially face off at Full Gear.


Sammy bolts for the ring, and he beats up Ego before the bell can ring. As soon as the bell sounds, Sammy lays it in until he gets caught on the ropes and tossed out. Page throws him back in and beats him down for a while until Guevara comes back with a cutter from the top rope. Ego rolls out, and Sammy follows up with a shooting star press onto him. They go back and forth for a bit longer until Ego looks to have the victory secured, but Sammy gets a roll-up. Due to Sammy’s win, there will be a 5-on-5 Minneapolis Street Fight at Full Gear, and the Inner Circle will decide next week which members of the American Top Team will fight.


Mox makes quick work of Dark Order’s 10 with the same brutality he brought to Wheeler Yuta last week. 10 does his best to fight back, but Mox pins him after a paradigm shift, leaving quickly as a bloodied 10 is looked over by medics. I’m not sure if Mox is a heel. I’m guessing Bryan Danielson is going to beat Eddie Kingston next week to fight Moxley. Bryan is a huge favorite, and Moxley is sure to make him look like a definite underdog with his current style in what is sure to be a brutal match-up.


Cody says he hears everyone wanting him to turn heel and that he thought about turning in his match last week, but he chose not to because it would be the easy way out and says the fans can do whatever they want and like whoever they want, but they should boo the true narrative. It’s easy to boo the man who signs the checks, but he asks them not to forget the man who built the bank. He will not turn because he loves the fans, and if they thought he got too “Hollywood,” he is sorry and apologizes to everyone. Andrade comes out and condemns Cody’s choices. It looks like they might get into a fight until Black arrives and sprays Cody with the mist. Pac comes to the assist and chases the heels off, mocking Black as he runs. I’m not sure if Cody is right about not turning. Perhaps to turn heel is too easy, but what’s a face if no one likes you, and what’s a heel if no one boos?


The Elite arrives dressed as the Ghostbusters with someone as the Stay-puffed Man, presumably Brandon Cutler. This was a fun match with many shenanigans, and everyone played up their costumes as part of the fun. The Elite used their prop proton packs as weapons, and Colt Cabana, dressed as Cuttler, got some payback by spraying Matt with cold spray. John Silver practically ran through everyone and got a huge reaction. The referee got knocked out by accident, and the Elite took advantage with some cheap shots. They almost had the match won until the Stay-puffed Man revealed himself to be “Hangman” Adam Page before taking out multiple Elite members, including Kenny Omega, and allowed the Dark Order to pick up the victory.

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