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Our Weekly AEW Wrap Up


This was a good match. But I suppose that's not saying much because it's AEW. The bout started quickly with a brawl in the aisle before the action went to the ring. Not a bad way to differentiate from the eight-man tag from earlier in the show. The faces really gave it to the heels throughout this match and had them beaten back. The ending came almost out of nowhere, with Garcia hitting a roll-up on Kingston to continue their feud. I'm okay with this result. Garcia was presented as a hot young prospect when he started. It wouldn't do him any favors if he lost every match. Of course, Kingston is going to have to murder the kid now. Castor was thinking of using the boom box covered in a chain to inflict more damage until Jurassic Express made the save. The show ended with a stare-down with the Lucha Bros. If anyone has forgotten, Jurassic Express is next in line for a shot at the Tag Team Championships.


Whereas the 10-man tag seemed more physical, this match was more tag-team technical. Cassidy was still getting on Cole's nerves. Most of the members of these teams have known each other for a while and work well together. Cassidy shined throughout, but it may be because much of this feud has centered on Cassidy and Cole, who is set to face one on one next week on Rampage. Everyone gets in their big moves. It was a speedy, action-packed match that saw the faces take the win. It's good to see Best Friends win against the Super-Elite instead of getting beaten up every week.


These two put on another great match in what may be the culmination of their three-month-long rivalry. One thing I always liked about their bouts was how much focus they put on storytelling. Deeb tried to cheat before the match even started, but Hikaru was ready for her. They danced around an exposed turnbuckle during the match. They would each go into it, but it would ultimately be Deebs undoing. She was the one who had exposed it and had thrown Shida into it neck first, but that wasn’t enough to keep her down. Shida ultimately won. As I said, I’m not sure if this is the end of their feud. This match had the misfortune to come after an hourlong 5-star classic, so it may have seemed a little underwhelming to others. Shida is a really good face. They recognize that in her. I hope they can elevate her from here. Perhaps they can put her up against Britt Baker in a return match, seeing as she was the one to take the title off Shida.


In typical MJF fashion, he starts things off with a promo to cut down the crowd. He scoffs at CM Punks challenge from last week and reminds him that his winning streak is built off of low-profile matches, whereas MJF has beaten “Hangman” Adam Page. There was a Ryback reference, but I’m not sure how many people actually understood it. The match itself was good. MJF can make the crowd cheer for anyone. There were a lot of pin attempts and false finishes as well. It was starting to become clear that Dante was getting gassed out near the end. He needs to either slow down a little or improve his stamina. He almost won the Dynamite Diamond ring. Ricky Starks put MJF’s foot on the ropes, allowing the heel to capitalize with a submission win. I’m not sure why they took Dante away from Team Taz so quickly. I thought there was a lot of potential in the angle it could have been. Unfortunately, it ultimately served no purpose.


After weeks of build, the throw-down between Page and Bryan came, and boy did it deliver. This was storytelling at its finest. Bryan is as great a heel as he is a babyface, maybe even better. He toyed with Page, knowing exactly how long he had to beat him and taking his time. The Champ wasn't willing to back down for a second, though, and soon took the fight to Bryan. For an hour straight, these two took each other to the limit. Finally, the year is about to end, and they made a close contender for the year's best match. I would have preferred that Hangman took the win, but this is a great way to drag the feud out to Revolution. I don't know how they can ever hope to top this, but I'm sure everyone said the same about Kenny Omega vs. Kazuchika Okada after their first match.

Dakota Mayes is our resident wrestling expert at The Pyrrhic.

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