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AEW Rampage 11/12/21


With Full Gear right around the corner, our resident wrestling expert Dakota Mayes gives you the low down on how things are shaping up with this week's AEW Rampage Review.


The two combatants started throwing hands right out of the gate as Jungle Boy rained down punches after dodging a kick from Fish. He tried to go for his rope jumping hip-toss, but Fish caused him to fall right on his gut. Fish worked him on the outside. Jungle Boy finally tried his hip-toss again and succeeded in tripping Fish up. Next, the heel started going after Jungle Boys shoulder by tossing him into the barricade. Jungle Boy retaliated by sending him face-first into the ring post, but Fish maintained control with his brutal offense and threw him back in the ring. Jungle Boy fired back by attacking Fish’s knee, but his shoulder slowed down his offense. He tried for a roll-up after dodging a head kick, but Fish comes back with an exploder that saw Jungle Boy hit his neck on the bottom rope. Fish only got a 2-count from it, though. He started kicking Jungle Boy but got caught in a snare trap choked out. Adam Cole attacked after the match and was going to hit a conchairto on Jungle Boy with Fish’s help, but he’s chased off by Christian and Luchasaurus, leaving Fish at their mercy.


Hangman got face-to-face with Adam Cole, demanding to speak to the Bucks alone. The Bucks allow it and send Cole away so they can have some privacy. Page apologized to the Bucks for costing them a shot at the tag titles last year but said they are even now after they cost him a shot at the AEW World Championship in the ten-man tag with the Dark Order two months ago. He then issues a warning; if they touch him at Full Gear, he will ruin them.


Jade Cargill was on the way for her match, but Mark Sterling held her up for a one-year anniversary cake. Red Velvet watched from ringside. Jade immediately backed Garrett into a corner before tossing her out and quickly getting in Velvet's face. This gave Garret a chance to catch Jade off guard, but she got tossed into Velvet's lap. Santana got pulled back into the ring to be hit with Jaded and pinned. Sterling tried to present the cake to Jade after the match, but Velvet jumped, who then tossed the cake into Sterling’s face. The brawl that ensued between Jade and Velvet had to be broken up by a team of referees as the crowd chanted, “let them fight.” I’m not sure when these two will throw down, but it's sure to get nasty when they do.


Dante came out to a hometown reaction as he walked alone to face Daivari. Team Taz watched the match to scout for a potential prospect, taking advantage of Lio Rush’s absence. Dante’s impressive athleticism quickly overwhelmed Daivari, but he got caught on the ropes and hit his face on the turnbuckle. Daivari wrapped him up in the ropes and teed off on him before dropping a leg on the back of his head. Dante almost turned the tables with a sunset flip but failed. Ariyah hit a running neck breaker followed by a frog splash but couldn’t get the pin. Dante danced around on the ropes and hit a moonsault for the win. Team Taz then approached him with a membership contract. They want him to look it over and get back to them. The crowd chanted, “no.”


This feud hasn’t been a focus for weeks, and we only know it’s still going from Matt’s being in the crowd every time Cassidy is in action. I forgot this was even an angle. Members from each competitor's team and other wrestlers on the roster served as the lumberjacks. Cassidy’s ribs were still taped. The lumberjacks started brawling after Matt offered $20,000 to anyone who could knock Cassidy out. Cassidy laid into Hardy and found himself on the outside but fought off the lumberjacks. He ended up outside again and got his ribs attacked by members of the Hardy Family Office. Hardy started going at Cassidy and bounced his head off every turnbuckle before tossing him back out to get beat up by the lumberjacks. Cassidy couldn’t seem to catch a break. After finding himself on the outside again, Best Friends ran through the ring and dived onto the lumberjacks attacking him, helping him shift the momentum in his favor. Multiple lumberjacks tried to interfere to get the payday, and many were taken out until the Butcher hit Cassidy with Bunny’s brass knuckles, allowing Hardy to seize victory.

Dakota Mayes is our resident wrestling expert at The Pyrrhic. Be sure to keep on top of all the latest in news, previews, and reviews in the world of professional wrestling right here with Dakota at

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