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AEW Rampage Review

Updated: Oct 15, 2021


Punk looked to get even for Garcia and 2.0 jumping him in his hometown a few weeks ago. Garcia appeared intimidated by Punk's experience in the match's early stages as he retreated into the corner a few times. When Garcia could not get the upper hand, 2.0 got involved thanks to Garcia's referee distractions and allowed the duo to work on Punks knees, letting Garcia turn the tide in his favor.

From there, it was even as the heel continued to work on the legs, forcing Punk to pull out all the stops to put Garcia away and getting the win via an anaconda vice. It was a good match, and Punk is still going strong since his return. Next up for him is Matt Sydal next week on Rampage.

This match may be more for Sydal than Punk as it was advertised as part of a segment between him and Lio Rush. The Man of the Hour looks to be building a stable of his own, with Dante Martin seemingly on board. Punk seems to have finished his business with Team Taz for the moment, so we'll see if this new match leads him anywhere.


In this bout for the tag titles, the Acclaimed made their way to the ring with some great bars. Both these men are talented and hold all the charisma. It's hard to say who would be the Shawn Michaels and who would be the Jannetty.

The Lucha Bros received a huge pop from the crowd, walking to the ring with two sets of tag gold. The Acclaimed started the match with a cheap shot to the champs, but they were unfazed and almost seemed ready to end the match quickly with some combos when Bowens hits Rey Fenix with his boom box behind the refs back. A lot of double-teaming happened. I guess AEW tag rules or tag rules outside of WWE, in general, are lax.

The crowd loved the match and Fenix's fantastic agility, nobody else in the business moves like this guy. The Acclaimed were strong, but the tag champs were relentless and took the win with a scary-looking finish.


This was my first time seeing Ms. Cargill in action, and this woman reeks of star power. She reminds me a lot of Charlotte Flair, minus the over-booking. Blue never stood a chance in this fight as Jade brushed off her offense and dropped her with her finisher. She continued to beat on Blue after the match until Thunder Rosa made the save.

I'm not sure if these two are going to butt heads from here, but it was suggested that this confrontation could have future implications for the upcoming tournament for the TBS Championship.

Before the main event match, Tony Schiavone advertised several upcoming events, one of which was the AEW Championship Eliminator Tournament for Full Gear. I'm a little confused by this because they just had a number one contenders ladder match on this week's Dynamite, so I don't understand why this competition needs to occur. Perhaps an earlier prediction of mine will come true, and Kenny Omega will be dropping the title before Full Gear, leaving the tournament winner to face Hangman?


The crowd was kind of dead for both combatants' entrances. They came back to life somewhat during the match, though. Cage laid a beatdown on Starks until he was dropped with a pool cue, which he then returned the beating to Cage with a trashcan lid. Lots of weapons got introduced.

Cage turned the tide on Starks until Hobbs and Hook got involved, opening Cage up for a spear. Starks attempted another one but missed, getting busted open by a steel chair jammed into the corner. Cage may have won, but the continued interference granted Starks the opening he needed to win. It took three men to beat Cage.

Starks is a one-of-a-kind heel, and from what I've seen of the members of Team Taz, he may be the shining star in the bunch. Brian Cage doesn't seem all that special, just big, but perhaps I need to see more of him to see the appeal. I'm not sure where this leaves both men after this. I have a feeling their beef is over, but we'll have to wait and see.

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Dakota Mayes is our resident wrestling expert at The Pyrrhic. Be sure to keep on top of all the latest in news, previews, and reviews in the world of professional wrestling right here with Dakota at

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