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AEW WEEKLY 12/12/21

Catch Up On AEW In Five

As we round the corner into the New Year don't let the holidays get in the way of you keeping up to date with your favorite wrestling shows. Get your weekly dose of AEW with The Pyrrhic & our resident wrestling expert Dakota Mayes right here.


Hook's debut has been one that's been hyped for a while, and it delivered. It wasn't a long match, only about 5 minutes, but Hook knows what he is doing. His ground game is almost as good as his dad's. Of course, it is. Taz is probably the one who trained him. Hook worked over Fuego like he had been doing it for years. He didn't do anything too flashy, perhaps because there wasn't much time for that, but he got in and got it done. I hope to see more from this kid in the coming weeks. He's got something special.


These two put on a great match. They both brought the fire like there was a title on the line. It was nice that the match was about the two of them without much outside stuff. Riho has been getting some good momentum ahead of her battle with Britt Baker next week for the Women's title. I don't think she'll win, but the match feels important at this point. Riho would defeat Hayter, but Baker got the last laugh by putting the Lockjaw on Riho afterward. Next is the match next week.


This was the match I've been waiting for since Danielson decided that he would run through the Dark Order Members. Silver seemed to be a bit outmatched in this bout, but he wasn't willing to back down for a second and still held his own against the American Dragon. Of course, Bryan was always going to win, but this was still a fun matchup. Silver got more offense in than any of the other Dark Order members. I'd argue that Silver has the most fire and tenacity of all of them. However, Bryan ended the bout the same way he did all the others by choking out his opponent for the win, followed by some brutal head stomps. "Hangman" Adam Page finally had enough of his friends being attacked and stormed the ring, only for Bryan to book it. This is going to be a great match. I don't want to believe they would take the title off Page so soon after winning it, but I'm worried that Bryan has been such a killer.


Punk didn't have a match this week, but he did have another killer promo. Not against MJF. He wasn't there for this. Punk cut a promo on the Long Island crowd after coming out to the hometown hero MJF's music. He attacked everything from their hockey team, manhood, people, and boy Maxwell. This is something I've wanted to see from babyface wrestlers for a while. Sometimes, when a crowd is against a face, why not run them down, especially when they're rooting for the bad guy. He does this for a bit before addressing Winter is Coming, which will occur next week. MJF and Punk are not scheduled to face one another. MJF would be announced to face Dante Martin next week instead. Punk talks about after the event, particularly concerning the world championship. He wants a shot, and he knows MJF does too. He wants to fight him for the shot but knows he won't accept.


This match was supposed to happen last week but was postponed due to Fenix's travel issues. It was also supposed to be a two out of three falls match, which sounded like something that would have taken the runtime of the entire episode, and I would have been all for it. Nonetheless, this one-fall title match was a banger and arguably should have been the main event. The two teams have gone back in forth for over two months now and in two different countries. They had each other well scouted. Penta is such a character, and I love his charisma. FTR are fabulous heels and played their roles well here. Fenix is a literal superhero. There is no way someone should be able to run across the ropes and kick someone in the face the way he did. Lucha Bros would retain after about 15 minutes. I don't know if this is it for their feud, but if it is, then this was a hell of a way to end it.

Dakota Mayes is our resident wrestling expert at The Pyrrhic. Be sure to keep on top of all the latest in news, previews, and reviews in the world of professional wrestling right here with Dakota at

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