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  • Writer's pictureStuart Kavanagh

After Extra Time Podcast 9/29/2021

Updated: Oct 14, 2021

Solving the Harry Kane Problem

This English Premier League preview podcast will arm you with all the stats, facts, and insight you need heading into the next round of the most entertaining league on the planet.

In this week's episode, Stuey and Paul are joined by former Manchester United Fans Chicago President Gonzalo Del Rio.

Also, we tackle the Harry Kane Tottenham Hotspur problem, take a look back at game week 6 with our 'Winners & Losers' segment and give the prestigious After Extra Time weekly awards. Paul explains what Manchester United and the Chicago Blackhawks have in common. Then we take a look at the tasty Premier League sandwich the footballing Gods have bestowed upon us for game week 7 of the English Premier League.

Follow us on Twitter @AfterET_Podcast.

Listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

This is Episode 8: Solving The Harry Kane Problem, first aired on September 29, 2021.

Rep with our first bit of merch here.

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