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WWE NXT Results: October 19

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

Highlights of the Night With Dakota Mayes

It's NXT 2.0 time! And you know what that means? It's time for the 'Highlights of the NIght' with The Pyrrhics' very own Dakota Mayes.


Carmelo Hayes plays up the heel role well. Trick Williams is a great hype man for him too. Hayes talked about his journey since his debut earlier this year and proclaimed that he is the A-champion and demands to be referred to as such, not caring who has an issue with it. Johnny Gargano returns and formally congratulates the new champion.

Because The Way has gone their separate ways, Gargano feels he's lost his way but sees the red strap as his next goal and challenges Carmelo to a match. Trick cuts in and makes lewd remarks about Indie Hartwell, which doesn't sit well with her husband Dexter Lumis, who is right behind the heels and chases the two away. Carmelo forgot his belt, however, and it now remains in Gargano's possession.


The Creeds out-wrestled Imperium at first, but they turn the tables with brute force. Julius Creed got the tag, but Barthel stayed on him without budging until he lost control after Rodrick Strong's distraction. There was an impressive display of tag skills from the British tag team. Fabian tagged in and ran over both Creeds and was about to pin Brutus until Julius stopped him. Fabian returned the favor soon after.

Ikemen Jiro and Kushida attacked the rest of Diamond Mine, and the ensuing chaos allowed Imperium to secure the win. Once everyone else was gone, MSK attacked Imperium from behind as payback for what happened in their four-way match a couple of weeks back. The two teams will face off at Halloween Havoc.

I'm not sure the crowd is behind MSK as the faces, though, as they weren't too happy with the attack. They were rooting for Imperium during their match, so it may have easily made the tag champs look like villains to attack them the way they did. Or perhaps they just don't like the champions?


This match determined who spun the wheel for the triple threat tag stipulation at Halloween Havoc. Pirotta looked like a powerhouse athlete and suplexed both of her opponents at the same time. Both Jacy and Io struggled with her for much of the match. Jacy botched a dive to the outside and landed on her head, and she was taken out of the match.

It is still unclear what her status will be for Halloween Havoc. Pirotta gave Io as much as she could handle, but the former women's champion managed to fight back and got a 619 and a moonsault for the win. Then, she spun the wheel, and it landed on "Scareway To Hell" ladder match.


A promo package aired to promote the women's title match next week. Mandy doesn't understand why someone with her looks has been passed over but states that there is no waiting with Toxic Attraction and that she will do everything Gonzales does as champion but make it look better. Gonzales refutes by saying she earned her title through hard work and dominance and will beat Mandy to prove she just isn't championship material.

This was a great package, but It emphasized how I have been feeling about Mandy in past weeks in that I've never thought much of her as a singles competitor. I've always felt that she was more eye candy than a wrestler and only stood out with her looks. We'll see if I'm wrong next week.


Breakker put on an early display of dominance by manhandling James Drake. Ciampa wanted a tag, but Breakker wanted to win alone, so Ciampa tagged himself in. He ran through the Vets singlehandedly and taunted Breakker just as he had done. The Vets gained control during commercials, however.

The champ tried to get a tag, but Zack Gibson prevented it by getting Breakker to chase him. The heels attacked the surgically repaired neck of Ciampa, but the Blackheart wouldn't submit. Breakker got distracted by Gibson a second time, leading Ciampa to slap/tag him out of frustration. Breakker secured the win, and the two faces had a stare-down after the match.

Their feud is right at its boiling point as we head into Halloween Havok. Breakker definitely has the personality and the intensity to win the NXT Championship next Tuesday. I wonder, though, if it would be too soon. NXT 2.0 has just started, so perhaps they need a veteran like Ciampa to hold onto the gold a bit longer to help continue to break the newbies in. It wouldn't be the first time they've fast-tracked a fresh face to the title if Bron does win, though.

Dakota Mayes is our resident wrestling expert at The Pyrrhic. Be sure to keep on top of all the latest in news, previews, and reviews in the world of professional wrestling right here with Dakota at

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