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  • Writer's pictureStuart Kavanagh

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer Sacked By Manchester United


The axe finally fell on the reign of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer at Manchester United today after a string of poor results. The latest of which, a 4-1 humiliation at the hands of Watford, was the straw that broke the camels back as the board finally took action and relieved that club legend of his duties.

It came as a shock to almost nobody as his employment has been teetering on the brink seemingly all season. A run of bad results including a 5-0 loss at home to Liverpool and a 2-0 loss at home to Manchester City, two of the clubs biggest rivals, had many claiming his position was untenable.

There had been much debate in the media about whether he was the right man for the job. Many of his former Manchester United teammates, now working as pundits seemed hesitant to publicly call for his sacking. Rio Ferdinand bucked that trend this past week when he called for the Norwegian to be relieved of his duties publicly.

Gary Neville, one of the most high profile pundits in the game and one of Ole's former teammates was severely critical of the board after the sacking was announced:

"I don’t want to stick the knife in today to the club, the club’s owners, the club’s hierarchy but you have to ask serious questions. I’ve had enough of it. The club is ran on a business side, okay, but culturally and from a point of view of football decision making it leaves a lot to be desired. The reality of it is, is that they’ve been caught out again, caught out in the last few weeks. They've not known what to do, they’ve been indecisive. Before the international break, they probably should’ve made a change if they were going to make it. I can see why they were trying to crawl over the line because getting to the end of the season was the right plan but yesterday it was quite clear those players weren't responding to the manager and the manager’s not getting a tune out of the players. I don’t think the players dislike OGS and I don’t think OGS doesn’t like the players."

The man himself gave an emotional and heartfelt interview to MUTV following his sacking. The interview speaks volumes of the man and I am sure will be received well by true Manchester United fans across the globe.

“I am a fan and I wish the players all the best. There are some very, very good players there, some good people. I’m sure we’ll see them puff their chest out and they’ll go on a run.”

The board announced Michael Carrick will take over first-team duties as the club searches for an interim appointment to see them through until the end of the season.

Bookmakers have placed both Mauricio Pochettino and Brendan Rodgers as the favourites to take over on a permanent basis.

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Stuart Kavanagh is an emerging sports journalist from Melbourne, Australia, and Editor In Chief of He is also the co-host of the After Extra Time podcast.

Always keen to discuss footballing matters, you can follow him on Twitter at stueyissickofit

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