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Smack Talk 11/26/21

Black Friday Battle Royale

If you missed Friday Night Smackdown, never fear - The Pyrrhic has you covered with Smack Talk! Check out all the WWE Black Friday action right here.


Kayla Braxton was in the ring to start the show and began talking about rumors of Brock Lesnar's suspension being lifted when The Tribal Chief and his counsel interrupted. Heyman chastised Kayla for talking about rumors and not facts before telling her to leave. Roman cut through the "we want Brock" chants and called Lesnar a loser for his loss at Crown Jewel. He called Big E a loser as well for his failure at Survivor Series. He then addressed the Black Friday Battle Royal to name his new contender, saying that it doesn't matter at this point who he fights because he's beaten everyone and will beat whoever is next. He insulted management for being so weak that they must hold menial matches to find him an opponent. But it doesn't matter as he is the greatest of all time and will be acknowledged. Yet another excellent opening segment from the Tribal Chief. It's clear that Brock is going to be his opponent at Day 1. I wonder where they will take things with this battle royal, though.


Corbin was on Hardy at the bell, but Hardy fought back quickly, forcing Corbin to tag in Moss. Hardy tagged in Drew. The two showed excellent tandem offense and easily overpowered Moss. The heel was thrown out and Hardy gave chase but was stopped in his tracks. The heels took control of the match as Corbin tagged in and started to work over Hardy in the corner. The momentum shifted when Drew got the tag and ran through both the heels before Moss disrupted his offense, allowing Corbin to hit a deep-6 for a 2-count. Drew fought back against both his adversaries and tagged in Hardy after hitting Moss with a Claymore Kick. Hardy then went up top and hit a Swanton for the win.


Heyman found Kayla in the back talking to Aliyah and interrupted. He demanded confirmation on the rumors of his former client. He threatened Kayla, saying that he would push to have her fired if she didn't have any solid information by the end of the show. Kayla followed up with Adam Pearce, who stated that he would be surprised if Brock's suspension ended anytime soon.


Cesaro quickly started with his trademark uppercuts to trip up the young upstart in his first match. Ridge temporarily turned the tables with a chop block when Cesaro stopped to trade words with Seamus. Ridge then hit a power slam on the Swiss man, but Cesaro rolled him up for a 3-count. This match was trash. Why wouldn't you show off Ridge Holland in his first match? They could have just left this off the card if this was what they were going to do.


Charlotte commented on her loss to Becky at Survivor Series, calling it hollow and saying that cheating was the only way Becky could win, thus proving Charlotte is better. However, she casually left out the part where she had tried to win the same way Becky did right before getting pinned. Toni Storm then came out reminded Charlotte that she knew Becky was in her head, as she called last week, and knew it would cost her the match. This incited a minor scuffle between the two that saw Charlotte thrown out of the ring. Toni tried to go after the champion, only to receive two pies to the face from an earlier match. I don't see the point in humiliating Toni like this. Perhaps she'll get payback next week, but I thought she looked weak here by letting Charlotte pie her (twice) and simply letting her go.


Drew McIntyre was not listed as a participant in the battle royal. In anger, he entered the ring with the other contestants and cleared it with his sword, daring anyone to get in with him. Adam Pearce seemingly kicked him out during the commercial break that followed. The Bloodline watched the match in the back. Pearce also watched from ringside. After everyone else was seemingly eliminated, Seamus, Corbin, and Hardy fought it out in the final three. Hardy was looking strong until he got shut down by Seamus. The two heels tried to team up, but Corbin double-crossed the Celtic Warrior, only to get Hardy eliminated. Unfortunately, Sami Zayn was never eliminated and tossed out Hardy to become the new number-one contender. Kayla went to interview Sami but got word that Brock Lesnar's suspension was ending, much to the horror of Pearce and Sami. In the back, the Bloodline angrily glared at Paul Heyman as he avoided eye contact.

Dakota Mayes is our resident wrestling expert at The Pyrrhic. Be sure to keep on top of all the latest in news, previews, and reviews in the world of professional wrestling right here with Dakota at

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