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WWE NXT 2.0 Recap 11/23/21

Highlights Of The Night with Dakota Mayes


The Champion started by stomping Waller into a corner before sending him to the floor with a running knee. Waller soon after came back with a jumping neck breaker before delivering some stomps of his own to the Champ. Ciampa knocked him back with a boot, but the heel then caught him in a spine-buster. His offense did not last long, however, as he was then sent out with a clothesline. Back in the ring, he hit Waller with a DDT but only got a two count. Waller then countered with another spine-buster and sent the Champ rolling out. Waller tried for a big move to finish the bout, but Ciampa stopped him and hit the Fairy Tale Ending to win the match. This was a pretty solid match. It may be the best performance Waller has had so far, but that could also be due to Ciampa's direction.


A dejected Grimes talked about being bullied growing up in North Carolina yet overcoming the adversity by making it to NXT. He kept his hair and beard long as a reminder of where he came from, but Duke Hudson humiliated him by taking it from him. It's a shame he feels that way. His cut looks great. Grimes then called the poker player out to finish their business, but Hudson only appeared on the tron in a barber's chair. Hudson claimed to be trying to make Grimes a decent human being, but Grimes had none of it and demanded Hudson face him. When he doesn't, Grimes made a better offer, a hair vs. hair match at WarGames. Hudson accepted the challenge. While I liked the Poker stuff (only because they somehow made it work), I liked that they stepped away from it to get serious and introduce real stakes.


After Santos Escobar won a short match against a no-name competitor, Elektra Lopez said that they never needed Xyon Quinn anyway, concerning their attack on him last week. After that, Kyle O'Reilly and Von Wagner came out and proclaimed their desire for the tag titles and reminded Legado that Wagner's foot was on the rope when they beat them a couple of weeks ago. Imperium, the Tag Team Champions, then appeared above the stands and proclaimed they would be defending their titles at WarGames and announce a number one contenders match for next week, I guess.


Jade tried to put the Women's Champion away quickly with a roll-up. She then tried to hit a running knee on Mandy in the corner but was met with a spine-buster. Mandy also only got a two count. Jade hit a running huricanrana but missed a middle rope dropkick to lose the momentum she had built. Kay Lee Ray came out unexpectedly swinging a baseball bat around the ring. She smashed a nearby laptop before tossing it in the ring as a distraction. Jade capitalized with a three-count roll-up to beat the NXT Women's Champion in another short match. I'm okay with the ending, but this match should have been longer. Jade standing tow to toe with the Champion should have felt more important, especially if she won. Later on, it gets announced that Kay Lee Ray will be the fourth member of the Io's team at WarGames and will be the contestant to fight for an advantage for her team in a ladder match next week.


Dunne got dropkicked out of the ring to start. He then ran through Hayes once back in the ring, with Johnny getting knocked out of the ring next. Once everyone is back in, Dunne put a half crab on both opponents, but the hold got broken. Johnny took both Hayes and Dunne down before diving onto both of them. Hayes rebounded and got the better of Johnny by sending him onto the apron. Johnny went for a Slingshot Spear but was countered with a DDT from Dunne for a two count. Hayes then suplexed Dunne onto Gargano, who got back up to take out both of his opponents. Dunne bounced back and hit his finisher, but his cover is broken by Tony D' Angelo, who then threw Dunne into the ring steps, allowing Hayes the opportunity to retain his title. A big brawl breaks out after the match that sees LA Knight and Grayson Waller join. It got broken up by a chair swinging Ciampa to chase out the heels, which Bronn Breakker then joined on the entranceway to announce a WarGames match. It'll be Old School vs. New School at the big event.

Dakota Mayes is our resident wrestling expert at The Pyrrhic. Be sure to keep on top of all the latest in news, previews, and reviews in the world of professional wrestling right here with Dakota at

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