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WWE Weekly 12/12/21

Get Caught Up WIth WWE In 5

The WWE Universe is always moving, changing, evolving. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with. Luckily we have you covered right here with WWE Weekly!


This match wasn't needed. In fact, there was no reason for RK-Bro to even be on the show. But, it's becoming clear that the brand division goes out the window whenever Vince needs a rating boost. Despite the senselessness of this bout, it was pretty good. It may even be the best match of the week. All three teams tore it up and got a good deal of time to do it. This match was better than the tag champion match at Survivor Series, or at least, that match should have been this good. Despite being pointless, this will at least tie into the show's main story next week as Roman will be back, and he'll want answers from Heyman for his interaction with Brock and his cousins for losing to the Usos yet again while he was gone.


SmackDown saw some more hilarious Brock Lesnar segments this week. I guess he is friendly Brock now. Sami Zayn was in the ring to start and threatened to sue everyone involved in his match with Roman Reigns last week. Sami was in a wheelchair, feigning injury for the whole segment. Heyman showed up for some banter before Brock finally arrived and offered to take Sami to Saskatchewan to hunt. Sami is still afraid of Brock and sat helplessly as Brock started rolling him out before Heyman got back on the mic. He hyped Brock up the way he used to and incited him to destroy everyone, much to the crowd's delight. Heyman would regret this decision later on when he realized that Roman would be returning next week and would want answers for what Paul did. And just like that, the mystery of Paul's loyalties continues. This was a great segment in an otherwise bland episode of SmackDown.


This week's Raw opened with a stellar cage match between WWE Champion Big E and one of his challengers at Day 1, Kevin Owens. Going into this episode, you would have thought that this would be the main event, but it was the opener and a hella great one at that. The two stars still had a lot of issues and took them out on one another in a twenty-minute clinic that saw the champion exit the cage for the win. Rollins attacked both his rivals afterward, of course, and a brawl would ensue. However, in an unpredictable turn of events, Bobby Lashley would attack and decimate all three men during the commercial break. MVP answered for his client when asked for his reason, saying that the Almighty had been offended. For what, I'm not sure. It looks like a prediction I made a few weeks ago may be coming to pass. Lashley is not yet done with Big E and will likely enter into the match at Day 1, making it a fatal-4-way.


This week's NXT saw the send-offs of two long-running stars in Kyle O'Reilly and Johnny Gargano. O'Reilly's wasn't anything emotional. He gave Von Wagner an ok cage match (and by that, I mean he made him look good) before Von captured the win and sent his now former partner on to greener pastures by slamming the cage door on his head. Gargano had the more emotional send-off. He had teased a farewell speech at WarGames, and here it was. He talked about how he was never the best skilled in the ring or on the mic, but William Regal saw something in him and signed him. He spoke of change, and he's becoming a dad in February and was about to give his final thanks, and then Gracin Waller happened. The emotional farewell ended with a steel chair to the back, followed by a slam through a table. I certainly didn't see that coming. I suppose that's one way to establish heat for Waller.


After weeks of hype and promotion, the match came as the main event of this week's Raw, and rightfully so. There was a big match feeling going in that made me think this should have been at the Day 1 pay-per-view instead. Liv more than held her own against the champion and gave her all she could handle. Any doubts I had about Liv going into this match dissipated. She performed as she belonged there. Perhaps she always has. The bout was starting to pick up steam near the end, but the champion won via rope grab. It was anti-climatic, to say the least, but we all know where this is going. Although not yet announced, we'll see these two fight again on Day 1. Will it be Liv's time, or will the Man stand tall again?

Dakota Mayes is our resident wrestling expert at The Pyrrhic. Be sure to keep on top of all the latest in news, previews, and reviews in the world of professional wrestling right here with Dakota at

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